Corporate Communications & Marketing Manager

Marketing Operations - Project Management - Marketing & Communications Strategy - Social Media - Digital Advertising - Executive Support - Vendor Relations - Change Management


Red Devil Inc. is a family-owned manufacturer of building and home repair products. When I joined the company the CEO and leadership didn't have much confidence in the Marketing Department. I began as a Marketing Specialist and was steadily promoted. I have the distinction of being the youngest Marketing Manager in company history and the first to also operate as head of Corporate Communications.

At Red Devil, Inc. I led strategy development and execution for all creative projects, optimized Marcom operations, increased the effectiveness of internal communication, facilitated technical and non-technical change management initiatives, and improved stakeholder, vendor, and customer relations.


Barriers to Efficiency & Effectiveness

  • Poor productivity and resource management

  • No clear procedures or project management protocols

  • No clear brand identity

  • No change management process

Responsibilities & Results

  • Managed large-scale technical and non-technical change management projects, developed communication plans, and created content, including slide decks, graphics, videos, emails, blogs, and web content to increase the effectiveness of change management communication companywide.

  • I oversaw all Marketing projects end-to-end, conducted leadership training, and managed team development, stakeholder communication, tradeshow facilitation, and vendor relations. I employed innovative practices, including Agile Marketing.

  • I provided creative solutions and effective Marcom strategies to internal partners, increased customer value, and met business outcomes by infusing a customer-centric focus into content creation, advertising, sales material, digital assets, product design, brand awareness methods, and operations practices.

  • Served as the lead data analyst who captured, organized, and analyzed data to create data-driven communications and present findings to teams, executives, and the Board of Directors.

  • I maintained a 100% completion rate on fulfilling all marketing projects within scope, deadline, and budget.

  • Provided executive support, strategies, and recommendations to the CEO and Senior Leadership, leading to an appointment on the company's Board of Directors, where I manage all communications and operations.

  • Coordinated with IT, Operations, and other key departments to develop and execute change management initiatives, stakeholder engagement, software training programs, process optimization, and technology adoption initiatives.

  • I was a project management thought leader who created Marketing's operational standards and communication procedures, conducted software project management trainings for all management, and routinely offered best practices and recommendations to other departments to increase communication and efficiency.

  • Served as the lead communication consultant and project manager for all change management initiatives including CRM adoption, ERP updates, companywide process updates, and initiatives resulting in a 100% project completion rate within scope, deadline, and budget.

  • I was commended by the CEO for increasing the flow of communication between the Marketing department, company leadership, vendors, stakeholders, and other departments.

  • Received consistent commendations from the CEO for improving the effectiveness of internal communication, change management, and streamlining alignment between executives, vendors, stakeholders, and other key target audiences.

  • Established operational standards, communication procedures, and software training for all management, which enhanced communication and efficiency across departments.

ERP Conversion

Scenario: Our ERP system was many versions behind the latest version and was no longer going to be supported. To reduce the pain points that the older version was causing our employees, the decision was made to migrate to the newest version, which was a huge undertaking. Many key departments needed to be engaged to update outdated information that was in the system, as well as be trained on the new system while not interrupting business.

As the communication lead, I created and implemented the communication plan while also contributing to change management decisions.

The migration was completed with minimal business interruption and our goal for employees trained was exceeded.

This is one of my favorite ads created during my tenure. I refreshed the brand which resulted in a stronger brand presence, a more modern image and more effective communication with our target audiences.

This ad was both digital and print and generated increased engagement.

Website Development- Change Management, Project Management & Communications

This project largely followed the Prosci ADKAR Change Management Process. For this project, I served as the change management and communication lead for this IT project. In the initial stages of the project, I established the goal, identified key audiences and how they would be impacted, analyzed the risk, established the project timeline, and created the communication plan for each audience.

The creation of this website included gathering information and assets for many key areas within the company and had the risk of interrupting key business areas if not executed strategically. It was a necessity for key stakeholders to buy in so that the project could meet its outcomes, target timeline, and budget.

The previous site was not easy to navigate, it offered a horrible user experience, and much of the content was poorly organized. As a tool, the website was very rigid and not customizable. The templates were restrictive and greatly limited design capabilities, the search function did not allow users to easily find products and new pages could not be added without coding knowledge.

In addition to the communication and change management of this project, I also led the creative direction and vendor management:

● I engaged Stakeholders from key business areas to gather the desired features of this site, prioritized the features, managed Stakeholder expectations, and communicated to maintain alignment for this project.

● I sourced and selected a new website vendor, and managed contract negotiations and vendor relations for the duration of the project.

● I gave the creative direction for the project and led my team in photo/video shoots, content creation, and asset management to compile and create all information needed for the site. I also wrote all copy to increase SEO.

● I created the site map organization, product catalog flow, and the UX focus for the site.

The new company site not only is more aesthetically pleasing but also offers an improved user experience, modernizes the brand representation of the company, and has increased customer and business value. This site greatly exceeded the expectations of all Stakeholders, Executive Leadership, and Board Directors.

Site traffic has also substantially increased.

Employee Engagement Campaign

I led the creative direction and managed the internal campaign to celebrate the company’s 150th Anniversary. The CEO wanted to primarily focus on celebrating the anniversary with the Red Devil family (employees). I created and implemented a communication plan including:

  • Internal signage, posters, and banners

  • Promotional items for giveaways

  • Emails and digital graphics

  • Events

External components included digital and print ads in key trade publications and social media.

This campaign exceeded leadership’s goals for employee engagement and increased employee morale and knowledge of the company’s history.

Digital Launch Kits/Stakeholder Engagement Email Campaign

Our rep network and sales team had long been dissatisfied with how their lack of awareness of new products. They wanted to quickly be alerted, have all the necessary information conveniently presented, and have an efficient process to request samples of new products.

After employing a discovery process to engage and receive feedback from these stakeholders, I created a digital solution to address their needs, tested the proposed process with a pilot group of sales team members, and then disseminated emails about the new process.

I created product emails like this to announce new products to our sales team and rep groups. These operated as a virtual launch kit and provided them access to all of the information they needed to sell the product. This information also linked to custom landing pages that were accessible for them to download the images, sell sheets, videos, and other marketing materials, as well as request samples of the products.

This method and process resulted in improved efficiency, better communication and alignment with our sales network, and an increase in stakeholder satisfaction.